WAIWT? 18-02-2011.

So finally; no tests anymore! I really almost died here locked in my room all by myself. Even with valentines day I had a date with my math books in stead of the cute curly boy. haha.
I had the last test today: history. I got up early to learn some more, but the time went faster than I thought. So I had to put some clothes on very fast.

This is the result:

Shirt: (it's a coincidence that the last WAIWT I also wore this shirt) Monki.
Trousers: (this one I bought yesterday) Vero moda.
Scarf: (also new) Pieces.
Shoes: Vans era (black)

Well the posts are getting a little bit monotonously, so I promise the next post will be about eBay instead of me me me me! haha.


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