Long weekend with my lovely boyfriend.

I'm an awful blogger! Not updating enough and not thinking about updating enough. Sorry..
But now I've something to post, I've been away with my boyfriend a couple of days to what we call 'the achterhoek'.

I really love it there! It felt like I was on a holiday and it passed by so extremely fast. Happily I'm another 2 months free from school so enough time to go there again I hope :)
I'm used to the city so it was awesome to experience the 'real countryside' for a while.

Here are some pictures to give you an impression of not only the environment but also what I was wearing:

The beautiful suitcase I took, haha.

Outfit picture.
Outfit picture.
Cute huh?
Beautiful lake we found by accident.

Not sure when my next post is going to be.. try to keep it updated.


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